Chipper battle hungry Lalafell with a thirst for adventure!
Kairi is a Dunesfolk Lalafell that was born in an unidentified, nomadic monk temple.She has lived most of her life conservatively amongst her peers as she honed her skills in hand-to-hand combat. The traditional standards for her tribe required immense mental control and discipline as a staple of their way of life--something Kairi lacked.She was always one that craved for adventure and action and often lost focus when it came to meditation and conviction to her traditions. She would usually be found staring at the sky, daydreaming about the world out of her reach.It wasn't until her 20th nameday when she found the resolve to leave her tribe and make her way to the nearest Adventurer's Guild to quench her thirst for adventure and battle--with income as an extra!She lived a comfortable life as an adventurer for the next 4 years until she came across a peculiar soulstone that would set the next phase of her life into motion....
Class: MonkAge: 24Orientation: PansexualMarital Status: SingleHomeland: UnknownOccupation: AdventurerHeight: 3'0"Eye Color: AmethystBuild: Slightly MuscularOutfit: She typically keeps her clothes as form fitting as possible in the possibility she gets called to action. Her most distinguishable piece are the mismatched straps on her arms as they feel the most comfortable to her.Skills: She uses a wide array of techniques in CQC: From the traditional pugilist and monk practices from Uldah, to very unorthodox techniques that are similar to Wing Chun, Taekwondo, and Kung Fu. She is currently learning and mastering more techniques due to help from a certain entity....Personality: She is often seen as chatty, friendly, and energetic to most people around her. Her hyperactive lifestyle is the result of her strict training regimen and her finally letting loose afterwards. This can often times annoy certain folks her are naturally impatient. Her chipper smile also belies a nearly addictive desire to fight strong opponents. If someone that looks strong catches her eye, she won't hesitate to approach.Note: Due to her lack of training in control and lack of talent, Kairi barely has any control of aether around her, making her effectively useless when trying anything magical.